Link to your tagger (see above), and also post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself (random or weird) on your blog.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog.
... and 7 facts about me:
I love buttons, ribbons and trims! They're better than candy.
I can't stand smokers! I've the urge to snuff out their ciggies in their face.
I use this very old chinese fine bamboo hair comb. (I know it's weird! But it reminds me of my beloved grandmother)
I have a very short fuse. (My husband says so.)
I've a wandering eye. (LOL! I look at everything around me - in detail!)
My feet are huge - I think they're still growing.
I've a wild imagination. I get my ideas - daydreaming.
Hi! It's a little Christmas gift for all my blogger friends. Download, print and add yummy buttons to make these tags. Punch a hole on the tip and tie them on to your gifts these season. Will do up some for my gifts this year too. Download from here.
Show us your creation, leave a comment here. Have Fun!
Hi! This is really an overdue posting. Nigel's concert was like a month ago before we left for Phuket and here are the pictures. I didn't sew the costume, if you're wondering. Parents nowadays are pampered, costumes are now included in the school fees. I still remember having my parents prepare for our costume and some of the accessories were just handmade. It's now replaced by mass produced plastics and everything is store-bought. (Here I go again...)
Anyhow, I'm a proud parent that day. He was selected to present his class, thanks to his gift of the gap - He had to do it in our National Language, Bahasa Malaysia and the problem was that the entire class have yet to start on any BM classes. No kid could speak Bahasa and I wondered why the principal insist that the class have to be presented in BM? I had to change the speech that was prepared, imagine Nigel saying, " Mempersembahkan...." It went "Mempelememahbahatan..."LOL. Annoyed I simply changed it to, "Kami dari Kelas 4 Kuning akan menari tarian Melayu Lenggang Lenggang Kangkung!" And we recited this for a couple of weeks until he got it. And that's the only BM he knows currently. So, here goes...(and thanks to Uncle Meow for being there to take some cool shots.)
That's right. Faizon spent months doing this for me and I'm so in love with all her delicate work. As NNC celebrated it's first anniversary (this is the gathering I missed because of my Phuket trip) we all exchanged gifts and all my friends had a wonderful time. Here are pictures of the lovely tatted pieces I received and the gifts I've made.