I love buttons and I'm inspired every time I see them scattered all over. Just love to shuffle them around and like candy, they're just irresistible. So with so so many of em, I'm constantly using them for adorning handmade stuff and these sweet cards just make a nice project. Brighten someone's day by giving them a card adorned with your favourite buttons! All three designs come with a separate miniature tag with the same graphics. Just download to your desktop, set to print on your favourite A4 stock card. Matt photo paper works well with these designs. Sew on some buttons and voila... handmade greeting cards. Do remember to put in your own messages too. Enjoy! Click the link 'ALL THREE CARDS' to download.
I love these cards, but I wonder if you could create a version for 8 1/2 X 11 paper? I'm in the US and can't find A4 card stock. Maybe without the little card?
Hi, I love your blog and a link was provided by someone on our board for us to come and look at your site, you have some little button cards from 2007, I clicked on the link but it only took me to a save.com website. I was wondering if you are still offering this file? If so I would so love to have it. Your art work is much appreciated it,so colourful and simple, not all fussy! YaY!
First of all let me congratulate you for such a neat, great and beautiful crafts...well done!!! I have tried to download your buttons card template but with no luck, it just take me to an empty savefile link... ;(. Would you please be so kind and share it with me by sending it to my email: asv8597@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance and Regards from Venezuela!!!
quel dommage : le lien est rompu et ne mène à rien !!!... je trouve ces cartes très jolies et j'aurais adoré les réaliser : y a-t-il une autre possibilité d'obtenir ces fichiers ?... si c'est possible, vous pouvez les envoyer à pièce jointe vers ma boîte mail ( lmipro@orange.fr )(il en est de même pour les tags cadeau offerts via Skip my Lou et j'aurais aimé avoir les deux, d'ailleurs !) merci d'avance si vous le pouvez... j'aime beaucoup vos créationset je vais sans doute devenir une visiteuse assidue de ce blog que je viens de découvrir ! amicalement, Is&Reg
wao~~ its so colorful~~ where u got those buttons on Malaysia??I love your buttons
Your crafts are really fantastic!!
Beautiful blog.!!!
What a GREAT tutorial!!!! You are a really profesional crafter. Thank you for your comments on my blog, I was so touched:-))
i'm always so inspired by your blog!lovely cards!
You have such a beautiful and cheerful blog. Your cards are so wonderful!
So happy to be visiting.
Really excellent freebie, thank you!
I love these cards, but I wonder if you could create a version for 8 1/2 X 11 paper? I'm in the US and can't find A4 card stock. Maybe without the little card?
Simply Superb.I love all those designs.
thank you for the freebies. It is so wonderful. You're so kind!
How inspiring your blog is! You've got so many nice ideas :).
Wonderful..... well, too used to send online personalised special occasion invitations to friends through Invitation Consultants.
Thanks. You have included such inspiring ideas. Take a look at thesepersonalised
photo albums they are fab.
Hi, I love your blog and a link was provided by someone on our board for us to come and look at your site, you have some little button cards from 2007, I clicked on the link but it only took me to a save.com website. I was wondering if you are still offering this file? If so I would so love to have it. Your art work is much appreciated it,so colourful and simple, not all fussy! YaY!
They're too cute. How I wish it can be fit in an a4 card
Thanks for the free download! They will make great little cards.
First of all let me congratulate you for such a neat, great and beautiful crafts...well done!!!
I have tried to download your buttons card template but with no luck, it just take me to an empty savefile link... ;(. Would you please be so kind and share it with me by sending it to my email: asv8597@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance and Regards from Venezuela!!!
I am always so inspired by your blog!lovely cards!Thank,s for so nice sharing.
Plastic Card.
can I get another link to download these beautiful cards, please? The previous link refers to somewhere else :(
quel dommage : le lien est rompu et ne mène à rien !!!... je trouve ces cartes très jolies et j'aurais adoré les réaliser : y a-t-il une autre possibilité d'obtenir ces fichiers ?... si c'est possible, vous pouvez les envoyer à pièce jointe vers ma boîte mail ( lmipro@orange.fr )(il en est de même pour les tags cadeau offerts via Skip my Lou et j'aurais aimé avoir les deux, d'ailleurs !)
merci d'avance si vous le pouvez...
j'aime beaucoup vos créationset je vais sans doute devenir une visiteuse assidue de ce blog que je viens de découvrir !
amicalement, Is&Reg
Stunning designs..can i use it for plastic cards as it inspires me a lot...
Its amazing card work....keep it up..!!!Plastic cards
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