A special gift came to me yesterday. It was a special pincushion from Radha although she was not suppose to send me one, she wanted to surprise me and yes, I think I'll be receiving 2 pincushions this time. Thanks Radha! & Usha for organising the flower themed pincushion! Happy Birthday too!!!
The last sporting event in his pre-school years was held last Saturday at the Pudu Ulu park. Nigel had high hopes of winning the sporting event he was taking part, but due to a silly mistake by one of the helpers the team emerged 1st runner up. Winner or not, he gave it his best and for any parent - that's a champ at heart! So here are some of the photos of the beautiful day...
Believe it or not, but we celebrated Nigel's 6th birthday - 3 times and in one weekend! But of course he had to share his actual birthday with my nieces and his 3rd uncle. It started last Friday with a small party for him at school.
I couldn't find a laptop bag I liked in the stores, they were either black and boring or bloody expensive, so making one was a pretty good idea. Since I have a few yards of precious Ikea fabric stash, I decided to make one with a set of tea towels and a favourite piece from the discount bin.