My friends at NNC met up for an anniversary get together. After much chit chat, demos and good food there were feedback on my blog and I found out that my blog loads rather slowly. So I've decided to eliminate some of the ads appearing on my blog. Keeping it simple so that I don't irritate my blog visitors. Do keep in touch by leaving a comment if you have any suggestions, requests or a simple Hi! will do too. Keep in touch!! Hugs...!
Very very very very very nice bag and stash Mel! Shanny is lucky!
Very very beatiful, love the tone of it.
Mel! You come a long way (crochet wise) baby! Well done!
Those are the cutest things! I'm seriously going to have to learn to crochet!
And I really enjoy your blog, with or without ads.
oh... i love the bags!! can we do private exchange for it? :P
gosh~~ so much pink yarns u got there~~ I looks so beautiful in different colors of pink shades~~
Me too! me too! Can we do a private exchg too? Really love the bag and of course the colour!
Love the bags. Mel can you give us the pattern and can it be done using single strand of yarn instead of three.
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