Last year we helped out at with our church's building fund by holding a craft stall at the carnival. It took me and my mom around four months to prepare and a few helpful cousins (which I am eternally grateful!) and friends who lend a hand. We worked hard and of course, prayed hard too! Our craft stall made around RM9k and we were sold out by 2pm. These photos are a tribute to my Mom, Joy, Erin, Ben, Meow & Victoria, Jessica, Faith and all who have contributed unconditionally and willingly. God bless everyone of you!
Happy Easter to all! This is a last minute gift I made for my Nigel and my nieces who will be spending Easter morning with me. Forgive me for some of the blurred pictures, I have a deadline and the weather has been bad for photos. (I think I've finally decided to invest in a good camera!) Here it is...
Yeah! I have permission from Julian to feature his work on my blog. I think some of us may have seen his works of art on the net, but I'm a big fan of his, so here it is again.
These pavement drawings are described as anamorphic illusions drawn in a special distortion in order to create an impression of 3D when seen from one particular view point. Enjoy....
Hi! The weather has been crazy lately. Really hot in the day and rainy in the evenings. It's been a hectic month and with the flu season spoiling all our plans, we've been ill and with work piling up it's just work, work & work. So to catch up with March, here's a little of what I've managed to do this past month.