I've been wanting to post about this for awhile now, but it got so busy that I totally forgot about it until a few of my blog fans asked about it. So here it is. The cupcake tier tutorial will be definitely be next!
We celebrated Christmas on the weekend before and here are the long awaited pictures. We all missed our overseas families and those who couldnt make it in time for the celebrations. It was a really fun time despite me having a bad case of tonsilitis (Did I spell that right?)! Here goes...our mega christmas celebration.
To all family and friends - A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! Keep in touch for next year will even be bigger and better! (Hint : Next year's contest prize will be the biggest ever - we are looking air tickets and holidays for a family of four!!!!)
Singapore was our last holiday for the year and incidently it was Meow's honeymoon destination too. They were here a few days before us, but we didnt want to intrude into their holiday so we went right after them. Christmas season is a nice time to visit Singapore. All the streets were decked out, it was christmassy all over! We did some christmas shopping and some serious 'makan' session with Uncle Johnathan and the family.