Another one of those meme.
The Alphabet Meme:
A - Available or Taken: Taken
B - Best Friend: I know it sounds terrible...I don't really have one.
C - Cake or Pie: Cake and pie. (LOL!)
D - Drink of Choice: Ice-cream Soda with lime!
E - Essential item you use everyday: Tissue paper. Loads of it.
F - Favorite Color: Orange and Red tones
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: I have a sweet tooth. Leave the organics!
H - Hometown: Right smack in the City of Kuala Lumpur.
I - Indulgence: Buy meself a Crafting Book
J - January or February: Feb. Nigel's birthday is on the 28th. Always enjoy planning for him.
K - Kids & ages: 1 son and turning 4.
L - Life is incomplete without: Knowing what life is all about. And trying everything.
M - Marriage Date or Most Memorable Date ( and why): Dec 23 2001..I actually wore a skirt!
N - Number of Siblings: 2. 1 younger sister and brother.
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples. Hate sour.
P - Phobias or Fears: Loss of teeth!
Q - Fave Quote: I think I can do that.
R - Reason to Smile: My son proclaiming that I'm His Hero!
S - Season: It's forever summer here, but I do like the rainy season.
T - Tag 3 or 4 People:
Meli, Joy, Jessica and great gals at NEEDLESnCRAFTSU - Unknown fact about me: You tell me.
V - Vegetable you don't like: Choy Sum and Bitter Gourd. Why people eat them in the first place!
W - Worst Habit: Going to sleep very very very late.
X - X-rays: It would have been accidental. Had to hold on to Nigel's fingers when he had to have his X-rayed. (The hand got caught in the lift door incident!!!)
Y - Your Fave Food: Dunkin Doughnut - Strawberry filled! (Yum! Me and my brother in-law Richard can really wack those!)
Z - Zodiac Sign: I don't care for signs.
I now tag Meli, Joy, Jessica and my crafty friends at NEEDLESnCRAFTS!!!