I received the most wonderful gift from Nik yesterday and it's for the NNC Favourite Colour Exchange. This exchange us all about sending your partner a handmade gift, a card and 3 stash items. Here's my brand new stash tote bag, the most beautiful handmade card I've ever received and a stash of embellishments from Nik. Thanks Nik!
It's called vitriflore or liquid plastic. Victoria and I spotted a majestic bloom at the local ribbon shop and asked about the bottles and bottles of coloured resin right below it. This coloured resin is in liquid form and in a variety of colours, and when you dip a wired form into it, you make a bubble film that dries completely in less than 10 minutes. There were lots of colourful wires packed individually for you to match the liquids as well. It smells exactly like nail polish and I suppose acts as one too, chemically that is. Liquid thinners and strengtheners were sold together too. The thing with this craft is quite mystical, I googled 'crystal flowers' and none came up. But I gave it a long shot and googled 'wired plastic flower craft' and voila! I found Vitriflore. And http://1stforcrafts.com/media/book/index.htm Here you'll find simple instructions to this classic craft. I found the flowers a little tacky and old school, fragile pieces and too many of them make the whole bouquet too plasticky. So, what I did was, I printed out an outlined of a victorian motif and worked on a dramatic piece. LOL! I must have been mad to begin something so ambitious as a victorian motif. Read on....
These have been keeping me busy last month. A range of simple wedding and dinner-wear head dresses for my nieces new venture into her make-up career. I like the beading work, maybe I should try to do some tiaras for flower girls. I have composed some of them with smaller versions of the same theme so Kathleen can use it for any hair styles. Velvet orchids with beaded petals.
This year I took part in a few exchanges with our craft group, NNC and the theme for February was Felt Cupcake Creations. My partner was the founder herself, Nikainun. And she's a talented lady at cross-stitching, bagmaking & quilting. Visit her blog, she's a big fan of Akademi Fantasia (Our local version of American idol!)! Here's the cake I made for her and the process.