Thursday, June 21, 2012


Friends who flock together to craft, chit-chat & makan-makan.

There is nothing more special than celebrating our 5th year together as a crafting group than having good company and sharing good food. I'm probably the last one to blog post and report on this special day, but I'm sure you'll notice I'm trying to catch up with everything else. It is good to note though that my crafting is ahead of my blogging, this blog afterall is about my crafting journal. But before I go on about this eventful day, I'm posting about the preparation that goes into hosting this special event. It's a picturesque post, so get ready...

Last minute crafting for the anniversary exchange.

I love doing crochet bags. They involve zero sewing.

Owl pillow taking shape. This little own has a pocket. A book you are reading can be tucked here.
Some decor.

I bought inexpensive ribbons from Macy. They were like RM2 for a giant roll.

Love this motif the most.

Hanging it was quite a challenge. I was running up and down the stairs like a mad woman.

All you need is a good stapler and a good pair of eyes.

The gift finally done.

I call it the Owlnite bag. hehe!

Full of things you need for an overnight sleepover.

The back of the bag.

What's in the bag? A Little Owl and....

Goodies for the lucky winner. I included a lap fleece blanket. A handmade matching Tawashi, body wash & eye mask.
The pincushion. A must have for this anniversary exchange.

An elegant little bird dressed in lace and organza.
Nesting on a pincushion.

The cupcake tier. We had coconut and orange poppy seed cupcakes that day.

The goodies I made for the girls.

I made a framed pincushion, Cupcake polishing cloth and a tin of buttons for my special guests.

Upclose of cupcakes. Thanks to Usha and her precious daughter for helping out. Good job!!!

FOOD! Lots of em!!!

The little bird that graced the party. Notice the Amy Butler print birdhouse?

We had so much fun.

Eat up girls! There were like 50 pieces of Roti Canai!!!

Sharing food and gossip.

Faizon & Lillie

Book browsing and craft chit chat.

Big Shot Demo by Vivian & Janet.

So impressed with our girls.

Sharing ideas and learning from each other.

Usha trying out some embossing folders.

There were buying, selling & judging as well.

A lot going on.

More oohs and aahs.

A lot of photo taking.

Cameras everywhere.

We even skyped an overseas member. You are out of sight but never forgotten!

Cranking the machine.

Queen of quilts showing the piecing of a quilt.
Nice photo of Zarina.
Zarina's a fabulous teacher.

Gift giving.

Gift receiving.

Prizes to be won.

Lucky girl received her dunno how many owls of the day. LOL!

That smile and blush says everything.
Told you she was lucky!
Some notti girls!

I want! I want! Open! Open!

Another lucky gal.

Paul helping out in the prize opening as well.
Usha and her lucky draw.
I like Jo's expression when she opened her gift.

Veronica and her gifts.
Vivian and hers.
A beautiful and much coveted prize from Nik.

I had over 200 hundred images. Must have gone trigger crazy during the meet, but won't be putting them all up. But these were a sum of our fun on that special day. Hope for more to come! Hugs to NNC!!!! for the best 5 years of crafting.

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