Tuesday, January 03, 2012


Every year we gather to play. And last Christmas we played for a higher bid!
Here are 99 photos for some of our family members who missed this wonderful gathering of family and friends. Most of them... cute little photos of Hayley. My favourite photo subject.
Before the Big Game, there's the fooling about and makaning.
Hayley meeting her Uncles and Aunties for the first time.
All the pretty maids in a row.
Awwww! Terrorised by the crowd and the noise.
Kenneth waiting for his turn for FOOD!
Friends from church.
Shen-ni arriving with dessert! She'll be due in February!
Skyping with our cousin and Zack from Australia.
Alistair having a big bite!
Faith and her platter.
The Gifts! The Gifts!
The lovey doveys.
Uncle Anthony all lone ranger here. Where's everyone? Must be at the buffet line.

Hayley on her Rolls Royce.
A game of UNO for the real contest to start.
Emmm. What are the rules again?
Alistair playing a good hand of UNO.
Getting their supplies all sorted out.

Judges enjoying the mad-scene.

Some more eating at the back.

Hayley also having dinner here.

Sexy Chilly on display.
The winning duo with their sexy creation.

Not amused at all.
Pastor Lawrence having the privilege of carrying Hayley. LOL!
A surprise gift. Orchids for my Grandma from Meli. Good one Meli!!!
Enjoying the food.
Check out the spread. It's an all Malaysian affair.
Fruits and Vegetables for the game. Me briefing the other half of the team.
Busy Busy Busy!
Brainjall taking shape.
Very competitive team here.
Posing with the mastermind.
Hong Kong couple doing great here.
LOL! Angry Pine!!!
Stan & Nigel concentrating hard.
Teamwork boys! Teamwork!
The judges table.

Brocolli man. LOVE THE TOPHAT!

Judges going through the creations.
Super Pedas on the go!

Carrot Caper

The JUDGE on the judges table.
Close up of all the detailed work.
Green Goddess being worshiped!

Heyley oblivious to the crowd after awhile.

Awwww. My little sweetheart!

Kung-Kung and his pressies.
Uncle Peter opening his gifts with a funny expression on his face.

While we all play, Hayley was taken care by her grandkung-kung.

Birthday celebrations!
Look at that gorgeous cake.

Three generations of LIMs.

Meow's gifts. ALL UNWRAPPED.

More skyping with absent family members.

THE WORLD'S BEST HOKKIEN MEE. Homefried by my Grandmother.
Hayley saying Merry Christmas to all.

Some more friends from church.

Alistair giving Hayley a fright.

My gifts to add to the loot.

Hayley baby sucking her fingers.

Judges hard at work.
The Final 2 groups!


More gifts!


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