Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Short Month of August

The month of August went pass like a breeze. With work and my button orders piling up, we needed a brief break from the usual toil and grind, so we headed down to Putrajaya for a drive around. We decided to avoid the crowd and the malls due to the H1N1 epidemic!

We took a drive to Putrajaya and decided to stop by the wetlands. It's a beautiful park with migratory birds right smack in the silicon valley.

The Park is separated into a few zones. Each zone covers a different species of migratory birds - such as the storks, flamencos and swans. (Yes, the long necked kind you find in fairytales!)

You'll find gazebos with information boards, feeding station and surrounded by lush greenery. We even noticed a 'No plucking of Petai' warning on a row of Petai trees there.

Birds come upclose for you to photograph.

On a craft related note, I've been working on a afghan blanket for Nigel. Have a look...
Rows and rows for crochet! It's quite mesmerizing crocheting the many many rows of single crochet all round.
I love the colours! The yarn is from Daiso. It's a cotton and acryllic blend, very soft to the touch and very cheap!!! RM5 for a ball of mini yarn.

I wonder how long it will take me to complete this. I'm thinking of doing another one in pink shades already!


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Oh the park looks like such a relaxing place. I will go the next time I come home for a visit.

    Afghan's looking good :)

  2. Hi Yonnie, what a beautiful blog! All your crafts and stitching works are so gorgeous and creative! My best friend Amber Yip told me about your blog. :) I'm so glad to discover your blog.

  3. Lovely Blog! Loved looking at all your stuff!
