Monday, April 20, 2009

Card Exchange 2009 & April Stitching Bee

It's a freestyle theme Card swap, with one condition and that's to have stitch or faux-stitch on the designed card. And since my partner was Tini and we were to meet up last Saturday for one of our stitching bees - I hand delivered it! Here's the card and photos of our April Stitching Bee.

I dug out my wallpaper samples for this card. I've been keeping them for something special. You can hear me praying, "Let the sewing machine sew through this....!)

With a rough design in mind. I punched some butterflies out of the wallpaper and started sewing on a trail of fluttering bugs. It was really fun sewing on paper - most surprisingly easier than on canvas!
The finished card - Front.

Before I packed it, I folded the wings a little bit. Look at the 3D effect.

The back of the card.

Inside the card, I slipped a bookmark inside with the message. Here I went crazy with the stitches.
Pull out bookmark. I love velvet ribbons!

Looks like Spring is here already!

This is Tini's favourite phrase. You can visit her blog here -

Photos featured on our April Stitch Bee is courtesy of Nik!

We learned how to make beaded pins. I made one just for my new crocheted bag. It's an elegant touch to a handmade bag! Thanks Sabariah!!
Rose looking at the card I made for Tini. Look at the mess on our tables!
Jo posing with my crochet bag. And Anna modelling for Paul's crochet needles. We can never have enough crochet needles. I so want to get a set too!!!

That's me inbetween 2 cool friends! Paul and Tini came in matching pink shirts!!! I was giving out my crochet pattern and the magnetic clasps during the stitching bee. Thanks everyone for being such good students! LOL!

The pattern and the base of the bag done by Nik. This colour combination is so cute and yummy!

What started of as a stitching bee, became a crochet bee! Thanks again Nik for organising the stitching bee. Can't wait to see you guys again in June, hopefull this time it'll be a fullhouse when we all get to meet Shanny from Swissyland! And Thanks Ying for organising the card exchange.


  1. yes.. i love the card a lot... looking for a frame for it.. since it got my name on it.. the bookmark already in my favorite book.. :)

    thanks mel!!

    PS: thanks for the blouse n tunic too... i got lots of compliment when i wore the grey blouse on Monday.. :)

  2. Wow! The card is beautiful! Love the fluttering butterflies. Lucky Tini.
    And such eager students learning how to crochet! lol.

  3. wah~~ i always want to learn knitting/crochet~~

  4. Ms Yoonie.. May I know where can i buy those lovely crochet needles(the Paul's crochet needles) here in KL?
