Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year & A Merry Christmas Post

We celebrated Christmas on the weekend before and here are the long awaited pictures. We all missed our overseas families and those who couldnt make it in time for the celebrations. It was a really fun time despite me having a bad case of tonsilitis (Did I spell that right?)! Here goes...our mega christmas celebration.

The many many Christmas presents under popo's little tree!

The food preparation going on in the kitchen. Uncle David frying his famous fried chicken!

The glorious food being served!

Lucy, mom and Marina.

Elizabeth and Auntie Grace.

Melissa, Uncle Johnathan & Shen-ni.

The frolicking before the contest time!

Me briefing everyone about the rules and regulations of the game.

Everyone receiving their materials to build Mr. Frosty the Snowman.

Auntie Grace having fun.

Alistair's snowman 'Edward Scissorsnowman!'

Eirene trying out the wee scissors.

The Lim Team. The winning team!!

Kenneth & Melissa building a herd of snowmen!

Meow and Victoria's funny creation! They could have at least won a small prize!!

Working hard with their snowman. 2nd prize winners.

Auntie Gin and Alistair creating a mess! They were very very close to winning the 3rd prize.

And if you're wondering who is Justin's partner - That's Gin Wee everyone! Justin's sweetheart!

Something brewing in the kitchen. Nigel's team trying very hard to win a prize this year! They did! 3rd prize!!!

Shen-ni & Jonathan with their rocker creation!

Meow & Victoria's creation.

The winning team. The Lim's won 1st prize!

Auntie Grace and Elizabeth's creation. Looks like Mr Pillsbury?

Melissa & Uncle Johnathan's creation. 2nd Prize!

Auntie Gin and Alistair's 'Edward Scissorsnowman'!

Kenneth and Melissa's cute creation. It looks like Gumby and friends gone wrong!

The judging.
Here's Kenneth enjoying another year of 'MAKAN-MAKAN'!

To all family and friends - A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! Keep in touch for next year will even be bigger and better! (Hint : Next year's contest prize will be the biggest ever - we are looking air tickets and holidays for a family of four!!!!)


  1. what an brilliant idea to hv such a meaningful activity during festive season! :)

  2. wow so cool! it must be nice to have such a big family and do things like this! I LOVE THE SNOWMAN CREATIONS!!

  3. hiiiiii!
    wish you a super great 2009!
