Friday, December 26, 2008

Behind The Scene Report

I'm so far behind with my blog postings, so I've decided to pick up and go on posting about right before my brother's wedding 'behind the scenes' right through all the 'DIYs'. Here goes...
It started with this victorian motif.

The dedication card inserted in the invites was a brilliant idea. We were pleasantly surprised that most of the guests actually took the time at home to pen down well wishes and congratulatory messages.

The dedication tree at the reception area. Beautiful messages from friends and families!

The printed cards. We had to sort them out and hand bind each and every one!

Even little Nigel was a big help! Little hands that could do the hardest tasks.

Piles and piles of invites.The punching was the hard part! So, remember - get the industrial printers to do it first! (Duh!)

These buttons are specially made for the door gifts. We decided to on two types of Kaya for the guests to take home.
The only picture of the Kaya bottle that I found on Facebook.

The special butter cake for the bride's family.

Everyone played and important part. Here we are assembling the menu cards! I'm probably trying to convince everybody that it's going to be worth the effort. You'll see.

A family the crafts together - STAYS TOGETHER!! LOL!!!

See what I mean. All 35 tables had their own menu card with a picture of the newly wed. They were all gone right after the dinner, I guess everyone wanted a souvenir!

Even Victoria's grandma put in a lot of effort. She's an amazing lady!

The backdrop design. Quite technical actually, I had all the drawings done on the computer and had the design superimposed to the actual backdrop to make sure everything fits. It's not one of the biggest backdrops we've done, but the most intricate. Challenging but it was fantastic how everyone lend a hand to build this!

It began with a lot of pasting & cutting! I hate this process, it's long, tedious and you definitely cannot do this alone.

Pasting the cut templates onto the styrofoam was a challenge too. So many pieces, so many joints, so little time. What a huge puzzle!

Mom, was there to do a lot of everything. You can always count on my Mom!

The templates all cut and ready for phase 2!

After the cutting comes the painting. Stan was really good at this.

After the paint dries, the glueing begins. I love glitter! (And we buy them by the kilos!)

My sis and her glammed up hands. There were glitter everywhere!

Paint everywhere! And because the paint is water based - it took longer to dry. So imagine my mom's house. It was turned into a warehouse/factory!!

A little piece of the whole tendril. Everything was 12ft high!

Here's my technician/Dad at work. He's in charge of the moving, reaaranging, shipping, transportation and assembly work!!
Pinning the styrofoam pieces to the curtain. It's a secret how we managed to pin this gigantic backdrop to the organza!

This was way past bedtime. We had to be there 3 times too. And my sis and me managed to put up the whole of the right side in one short morning! PHEW!!

The finished backdrop. I can't seem to find a full picture of the backdrop!?

Right after the wedding we went on a family trip to Kuantan. It was more like a foodtourney, we were eating all the way and having a nice well deserved holiday... we were on a honeymoon with the newly wed (Hahaha!).

On the way there we stopped at Bentong for some nice seafood. They have the biggest kangkung's in the world!!!

We drove up to Chukai for some stuffed crab. Here's Nigel (5 minutes away from throwing up! his lunch!) Too much sun and fun!!

Yummy stuffed crab!

Here's Richard trying his hand at making his own breakfast. We stayed at Swiss Garden and the buffet breakfast was not too bad. Rooms were clean and I think everyone enjoyed the spa too.

Nigel at the beach.
Richard having fun with miniature golf. LOL!

The honeymooners in front of a restaurant we had dinner the first night there.

At the beach, 5 minutes before my sis and me sneaked out to the Kuantan mall for some shopping.
When in Kuantan, do stop by at Hai Peng's for coffee and snacks!

The spread was good! Local kuihs and lots of yummy food to go with very very very good coffee.

Our kiwis think so too!

This seems to be our usual table. I think we had everything on the menu. Must try their spicy tuna sandwich, serious kick!

Of course, we had to bring the Brown's to our favourite Satay shop. Queenspark at Peel Road!

Meow & Victoria gave us a treat to a buffet dinner the week after their wedding. Meli & Richard flew home the day after.

One BIG Happy Family! This I think will be the last photo of us all, until we meet again...perhaps in Gold Coast???


  1. Hello Yoonie,
    You have a very interesting blog! Just love browsing your blog. Your recent post, heard that you went to Bentong? Which restaurant did u go? Hehe. Oh ya, i've linked u to my blog.

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Opps, it's my personal blog, not this.

  3. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I do share the idea of the family that craft together, stays together!
    Nice job, fantastic blog. Thanks for your post and photos.

  4. Wow well done Mel. I cannot imagine how much effort went into preparing for the dinner. When I get married, I would want you to organize it too lol

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