Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Favourite Colour Exchange 08

I received the most wonderful gift from Nik yesterday and it's for the NNC Favourite Colour Exchange. This exchange us all about sending your partner a handmade gift, a card and 3 stash items. Here's my brand new stash tote bag, the most beautiful handmade card I've ever received and a stash of embellishments from Nik. Thanks Nik!

Nik's own label AZNIQUE. What a glamourous brand name! Looks like you're set for an Etsy venture!!

After attending the stitching bee two weeks ago, it's crochet fever at our Group. Look what the bug made me do...Crocheted blooms for fun. They're very addictive and this is only the beginning...LOL!

Don't they look like candy pieces?


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    the flowers are so cute!

  2. Yoonie - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!!! You do the most amazing things here!

  3. Very pretty, yoonie. Seriously, I thought the middles were candy too!

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