Sunday, August 12, 2007

Daniel & Jessica's Wedding Part 2

These are photos from Meow's camera. I won't be putting up the portrait pictures (that's Jessica's job!)...some of these are just wacky and sort of capture the day's event.

Nice shot Meow! Every guest is requested to have their photo taken at the reception and posted at the guest book with your best wishes for the newlywed. Good idea if you have a small group.
The tea ceremony took place at 5pm. We were 1-hour late, I think!
Mom and Po-Po all glam up for the day!
Perhaps a nice start to a new career? Who's next?!

Calm and composed. Nigel walking down the aisle - The leader!
Our family under the hot sun!
Where's the food? (Hahah! Just kidding.) She looks fantastic. I love that dress.
Little Faith has grown up so much! I remember when she was my flower girl... Butterfly wings and a white little gown.
Soon it will be Eirene's turn.
Melissa and Kenneth. Can't wait to do your wedding cake! Hurry-up man.
Uncle David and Jessica walking down the aisle.
Very cool shot!
I told you sneakers won't do. Aren't you lucky you got those high heels instead!
The beautiful flower girl.
Auntie Chris was given the job as family videographer. Hey, the shots you took were fantastic. Got bookings set for other weddings already.
So glamour la! Auntie Dorcas - After 6 kids and you still look gorgeous in your cheongsam.
This next couple will be tying the knot end of this year.
Auntie Ruth and Uncle Richard. Doesn't she look good in her Zara.
My mom and her glamourous hair-do.
Anthony and Justin. Somebody buy him a tie!
My grandparents got front row seats.
Posing by the cake. All so dressed-up for the garden wedding.
The newly weds. It was a beautiful and simple ceremony. Lots of laughs and love songs.
Nigel taking over the camera.
Ben and Eirene fooling around. At the end of the year, I think I'll be able to compile a lot of wacky shots from this girl.
Meow in his element! This crazy brother of mine - drives me absolutely crazy.
One big family. Nigel is spotted here having his 10th cup of drink! I think we all had a lot to drink. Coconut and lychee, Lime juice and Longan!
Grace taking a shot at the cake.
Alistair. So handsome! He does remind me of Uncle John.
The queue at the buffet line! (Hey, Shen and Johnathan must be very hungry - caught you!)
Table 13- cousins and Jess' siblings are all seated here.
The very hungry gang! I gave up waiting and we all just cut the queue!!
Uncle Anthony and Auntie Chris. Flew in from Jakarta a day before.
~The End~


  1. Congrads to the newly weds. Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing.

    The cake deco is lovely and the CCE lovely.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lovely pictures, Mel! Wedding planner is next on your cv! By the way, whose garden was it where the wedding was held? Absolutely lush!

  4. Really lovely wedding and great shots there! Love the cake deco, especially those cute humming birds! ;)

  5. Hi! Just came by your blog accidentally while googling for crochet cupcakes... wow! Love your work!

  6. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Lovely wedding ... everything and everyone looks perfect ... these are wonderful moments to add on to memory lane!

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