Friday, July 13, 2007

The ABSOLUTELY busy month of July!

It's been quite hectic. With the ongoing work I managed to complete some crafting joy for Jessica. She's getting married in August and there's only a couple of weeks to prepare everything. Here are just some of the things I've continuously tweeked at to get it just right. Of course, there is Nigel who went on a fishing trip with his dad in Semenyih (Spot his little boo-boo on his right knee!) He came back home feeling fine until he saw me and started crying for his mommie!
Look at my little fisherman. He's grown so chatty and caring - Love him to bits!

The mess on my bed! I've not done any beading for the past 4 years. My baby would have loved to pop a whole bunch of these into his mouth! (and ears and nose!) Look at the mess. Now I remember why I love beading.

The hair accessories I made for the bride and the bride's maid. I dissected the magnolias, added some vintage pearls and a gothic detail I made with shrinkable plastic. The Guest book is all printed and ready binded for the big day. There is more, but I won't be revealing any of it until the big day.

It started with this funky curve....

I thought it looked to much for the bride. Jess has got short hair and the tendrils will wobble if it's not anchored.

Eirene's flower to match her sister's more elaborate one.

For Faith I think a miniature shell hair clip with the same vintage style should suit her better. I fastened it with really tiny wires. I never knew I could handle those tiny wires! And Fushcia ribbons all round.

Something totally unrelated to the wedding. It's just that I've been tempted to do ribbon embroidery when I first saw this pattern in Martha Stewart's magazine. It looked really easy to do, but it took me awhile to get a grip as I was too impatient to go buy an embroidery hoop first. Hey, what if I didn't like ribbon embroidery.

Oooh, a little glimpse of what I just made and hey, not bad for a first time eh?


  1. You are one talented lady!!! Those flowers for the bride and her entourage are so Victorian looking, great meticulous work!

    And the ribbon embroidery...ah...what can I say...but...B E A U T I F U L :D

  2. Wow, seriously talented lady you are, Melanie!

  3. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Wow, everything is gorgeous!!
