Monday, May 28, 2007

Mega Month of May

This was supposed to be my work in progress report for the month of May, but I think most of you know that I sort of do crafts that only require at most 2 days of work. I don't really like time consuming crafts (Ok, I admit, I have a short attention span and some of the crafting I do is already stretching the mark.) So, here's more like my completed works for the month of May. Work at home have been quite hectic, but surprisingly I've also completed Emily's lunch tote. (See if you can find hints of the completed project in these pictures, I won't be showing them until I send them on their way to Emily.) My baby jacket tutorial will have to be posted later, still have the template to prepare. Thanks for dropping by, really appreciate the comments and the personal emails I've received. Love you girls!

A little fudgie-wudgie for a newborn. My niece just gave birth to a healthy baby girl!

Don't you just love Crocheted dresses. I used leftover yarn and in lavendar.

Sitting pretty on a pillow I made.
The baby jacket I've been working on. I will post the tutorial later this week.
They call this an Amigurumi. Did this a while ago with my leftover rug yarns. Turned out quite well. Don't ask me how I did it, I just crocheted free style and planned as I hooked. Will plan to do more of this, she's so cute. A row of these will be so nice!
The back of the crocheted doll. Velvet ribbon straps and a yummy blue bear for a button.
Say 'Cheese'.
Hmmm. I think I need to do those legs again. They look a little weird.


  1. Such cuties!! You've been busy with all these lovely dolls!

  2. Oh dearie, Melanie is better at crochet than me! Better rip out whatever I had done on her tote and start over again!

    Mmmph, nice purple fabby in the background!

  3. So cute and adorable! Pls post a tutorial for these sofies.

  4. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Could you post a templete or instructions for the cute bunny with the flower eyes?
