Wednesday, March 31, 2010

NNC 3rd Anniversary Meet

Last Saturday we celebrated NNC's 3rd anniversary and we all met up at one of our member's new home. Thanks Sabariah for giving us a wonderful venue for the merrymaking! You have a gorgeous new home and we all had a great time. Here are some photos taken from the members' cameras ...
In this year's exchange we were asked to include a felt flower together with a handmade item. Look at how lovely they all turned out, even after all that panic! LOL! (Can you spot mine?)

Yes, Margaret, we got it!! Hahaha. MW received from Zarina. Our quilting queen!

Nik received a special gift from Diane. Fabulous flowers! A felt book on making blooms!!

My contribution for the pot luck. I now realised that my mom's cake tin is actually a little crooked. It looked like an oval shaped cake. It's an oval Hazelnut Cheese Cake!

The huge spread! Our makan-makan went on throughout the day, literally!!

Sabariah holding on to Paul's 'Leave a note bunny'. Awwwww so cute!

Sorting out the goodie bags. Those who joined us that day received a special goodie bag filled with lovely crafting goodness from a few of us.

Paul and Rose with their pincushion exchange. They're way early this time, deadline was supposed to be in May!!!

The spread again! Can't help it, but the food on this table is just sumptuous.

Strawberries from my cake! They were sweeeeeet.

All the gifts together before the draw.

We had a applique demo by Janet. Thanks Janet for the tutorial! Will complete mine by tonight. Homework must finish, right?

Busy mess on Sabariah's new coffee table.

Janet, our teacher and Jo was all over the place learning the turning stitch!

Sabariah having a demo on pin making. She expertly demonstrated a beaded pin in a few twists of the plier and voila...I'm now a proud owner of a pink pearly pin. (So matching with the blouse I was wearing that day!)

Look at that! She took only a few seconds to complete one!

Rose with her pincushion exchange from Usha. We all thought that it looked like an arabian lantern.

Nik received from Usha. A set of doilies.

Sabariah and her exchange. A cute crafting pouch from Alynn.

I was excited to receive from Margaret! Yeah I know, it's been 2 years in a row, now I'm a collector of fine cross stitch craftsmanship. I think I'll reserve a show and tell shelf just for her at my new crafting room!

Zarina received a crocheted bag from Rose!

Janet and her exchange. It's the crochet bag pattern we shared during one of the stitch bees.

Faizon and her beautiful pinkeep and accessories. Faizon also gave me the tatted snowflakes I ordered. They are absolutely beautiful and deserve a post of their own!

Usha received from Tini.

Rose and her beaded necklace.

This was a last minute demo. Button making in a jiffy! I gave a set of button making kit in the goodie bag. Some of you may have left already as this was spur of the moment. Let me know if you need help, they're super easy peasy.

Will post about the gifts I made for the exchange next. So keep checking back... Hugs!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Seven And Having A Blast!

Stan still sketches and I had to keep this simple drawing of Nigel relaxing with a book.

That's right, you don't remember being seven if not for these special moments. Nigel turned 7 end of February and he perpetually reminds us all that every second is precious! He is constantly amazed at his surroundings, finding new things to play and learn, exploring and discovering the world around us AND HAVING A BLAST! So here's turning Seven with his favourite comic. Tra-la-la Captain Underpants!!! LOL!

We'll be moving soon to our new home in the next few weeks. Here's Nigel and his cousins having fun at the clubhouse.

Ruun Ann and Nigel at the pool.

Loosing his front teeth : Highlight of turning seven!

Awww! She's so sweet!!!

Cheeky munchkin! RJ likes to wrinkle up her cute little face everytime I ask her to pose!

It was a beautiful day for a swim.

Oh yes, did I tell you that he's learning to swim already??

Shanon was back in KL. Here's the family relaxing after a heavy barbecue.

This table was still eating!

I know! It's really funny how we just love Captain Underpants. I made these undies out of paper, sew them together and stuffed them with POP ROCKS and voila!

The beautiful cake Auntie Josie baked. Yummy banana and chocolate cake, decorated in jelly swirls and jelly beans! The ultimate cake for a 7 year old!

Of course, the cousins were invited! Look how pretty these 2 girls are. I'm so proud to be their Auntie!!! (See RJ with her pose! LOL!)


Thanks Meow and everyone for the gifts & Angpows!!!

And here's a photo of mom and dad with Nigel at the Thistle hotel. We were there for a one night stay in Port Dickson. It's a short school holiday so we had a short and sweet holiday by the beach just 2 days ago.